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Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PlayStation 4 - 05/04/2016

Advice for consumers

This game was rated PEGI 3 for occasional, very mild violence in a comical context.

Brief outline of the game

The classic pac-man from the arcade. Eat all the orbs and escape the ghosts.

Content specific issues

Pac-man can get caught by the ghosts. Alternatively pac-man can eat the ghosts if he obtained a power-up.

Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PC - 05/04/2016

Advice for consumers

This game was rated PEGI 3 for occasional, very mild violence in a comical context.

Brief outline of the game

The classic pac-man from the arcade. Eat all the orbs and escape the ghosts.

Content specific issues

Pac-man can get caught by the ghosts. Alternatively pac-man can eat the ghosts if he obtained a power-up.

Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Xbox One - 05/04/2016

Advice for consumers

This game was rated PEGI 3 for occasional, very mild violence in a comical context.

Brief outline of the game

The classic pac-man from the arcade. Eat all the orbs and escape the ghosts.

Content specific issues

Pac-man can get caught by the ghosts. Alternatively pac-man can eat the ghosts if he obtained a power-up.

Release Dates & Platforms:
  • XBox 360 - 29/11/2006