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Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PlayStation 4 - 31/08/2023
  • PlayStation 5 - 31/08/2023
  • Nintendo Switch - 31/08/2023
  • PC - 31/08/2023
  • Xbox One - 31/08/2023
  • Xbox Series X|S - 31/08/2023

Advice for consumers

This game has received a PEGI 18 which restricts availability to ADULTS ONLY and is not suitable for persons under 18 years of age. This rating has been given because it features graphic violence.

Brief outline of the game

Updated and remastered version of the 1997 game, Quake II, which includes the original game, plus 'Quake II N64', the mission packs 'The Reckoning' and 'Ground Zero', and the new campaign 'Call of the Machine'.

Content specific issues

This game features graphic and realistic violence. When human characters are struck, using weapons or explosives, blood effects are employed. Close range attacks cause characters to explode into blood and gore. Enemies can be further dismembered after death and there is sight of dismembered corpses on the ground throughout the game.

Other issues

There is use of bad language, including 'shit', 'screw' and the abbreviation 'WTF', as well as rude gestures.

Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PC - 17/09/2004