
Found 5 results from your query
Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PC - 19/12/2014

Advice for consumers

Contains some strong violence and some strong language.

Brief outline of the game

It’s 1975 and Snake must infiltrate a base in Cuba in order to extract two important hostages.

Content specific issues

Violence is typical of the series, with Snake using a variety of weapons and skills in order to execute his enemies. There is a very graphic scene involving a bomb implanted into the abdomen of a person that must be surgically removed before it detonates. Language includes the expletive, ‘fuck’.

Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PlayStation 4 - 20/03/2014

Advice for consumers

Contains some strong violence and some strong language.

Brief outline of the game

It’s 1975 and Snake must infiltrate a base in Cuba in order to extract two important hostages.

Content specific issues

Violence is typical of the series, with Snake using a variety of weapons and skills in order to execute his enemies. There is a very graphic scene involving a bomb implanted into the abdomen of a person that must be surgically removed before it detonates. Language includes the expletive, ‘fuck’.

Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Xbox One - 20/03/2014

Advice for consumers

Contains frequent moderate to strong violence and some strong language throughout.

Brief outline of the game

It’s 1975 and Snake must infiltrate a base in Cuba in order to extract two important hostages.

Content specific issues

Violence is typical of the series, with Snake using a variety of weapons and skills in order to execute his enemies. There is a very graphic scene involving a bomb implanted into the abdomen of a person that must be surgically removed before it detonates. Language includes the word ‘fuck’.

Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Playstation 3 - 10/03/2014

Advice for consumers

Contains frequent moderate to strong violence and some strong language throughout.

Brief outline of the game

It’s 1975 and Snake must infiltrate a base in Cuba in order to extract two important hostages.

Content specific issues

Violence is typical of the series, with Snake using a variety of weapons and skills in order to execute his enemies. There is a very graphic scene involving a bomb implanted into the abdomen of a person that must be surgically removed before it detonates. Language includes the word ‘fuck’.

Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • XBox 360 - 11/03/2014

Advice for consumers

Contains frequent moderate to strong violence and some strong language throughout.

Brief outline of the game

It’s 1975 and Snake must infiltrate a base in Cuba in order to extract two important hostages.

Content specific issues

Violence is typical of the series, with Snake using a variety of weapons and skills in order to execute his enemies. There is a very graphic scene involving a bomb implanted into the abdomen of a person that must be surgically removed before it detonates. Language includes the word ‘fuck’.