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Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PlayStation 4 - 31/03/2020
  • Xbox One - 31/03/2020
  • PC - 31/03/2020

Advice for consumers

This game is rated PEGI 18 which restricts availability to ADULTS ONLY and is not suitable for anyone below this age. This rating has been given due to strong violence and the use of sexual expletive.

Brief outline of the game

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered is a combat simulation game in which the player takes the roles of various members of a Special Operations team attempting to thwart the plans of a Russian terrorist group.

Content specific issues

Game contains a scene in which multiple innocent characters are killed by gunfire; there is also another scene where a man is seen to be tied up, a gag is across his mouth and he is shot with a pistol in the back if the head; lastly a knife is thrown at an enemy combatant which pierces his eye socket. There is also the use of the sexual expletive ‘fucking’.