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Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PC - 25/03/2013

Advice for consumers

Contains frequent strong violence.

Brief outline of the game

Online futuristic Sci-fi shooter where players control a member of the Tenno, ancient warriors who have awoken from centuries of cryosleep to find themselves at war with the Grineer, a race of militarized humans, and the Corpus, a merchant guild.

Content specific issues

Game contains strong violence including bloody depictions of bodies cut into pieces with bladed weapons.

Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PlayStation 4 - 30/11/2013
  • PlayStation 5 - 12/11/2020

Advice for consumers

Contains frequent strong violence.

Brief outline of the game

Online futuristic Sci-fi shooter where players control a member of the Tenno, ancient warriors who have awoken from centuries of cryosleep to find themselves at war with the Grineer, a race of militarized humans, and the Corpus, a merchant guild.

Content specific issues

Game contains strong violence including bloody depictions of bodies cut into pieces with bladed weapons.

Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Xbox One - 31/12/2013

Advice for consumers

Contains frequent strong violence.

Brief outline of the game

Online futuristic Sci-fi shooter where players control a member of the Tenno, ancient warriors who have awoken from centuries of cryosleep to find themselves at war with the Grineer, a race of militarized humans, and the Corpus, a merchant guild.

Content specific issues

Game contains strong violence including bloody depictions of bodies cut into pieces with bladed weapons.