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Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Nintendo Wii U - 22/04/2016

Advice for consumers

This game was rated PEGI 7 for violence that lacks any apparent harm or injury to fantasy or mythical beings and creatures. Not appropriate for persons under 7 years of age.

Brief outline of the game

Star Fox Zero is a 3D scrolling shooter game with a sci-fi theme. As fighter pilot Fox McCloud, you are tasked with saving the Lylat star system from the tyranny of the evil Emperor Andross. Alongside crew members Slippy Toad, Peppy O’Hare and Falco Lombardi, Fox must fly, shoot and barrel roll his way through various missions.

Content specific issues

The gameplay is quite hectic, as players fight aerial battles against many enemy fighter planes, drones and robots. Bullets and missiles fly around, and when defeated the player character as well as enemies simply explode. There is never any apparent harm or injury to the pilots or other characters.

Other issues

Emperor Andross can be a bit disturbing for younger children.

Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Nintendo Wii U - 22/04/2016
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Nintendo Wii U - 24/03/2016
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Nintendo 3DS - 09/09/2011
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Nintendo DS - 26/01/2007
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • GameCube - 15/04/2005
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • GameCube - 05/09/2003
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • - 22/04/2016