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Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PlayStation 4 - 07/11/2017
  • PC - 07/08/2020

Advice for consumers

This game has been rated PEGI 16 for depictions of realistic looking violence towards human-like characters. Not suitable for persons under 16 years of age.

Brief outline of the game

Beyond the northern mountains, the borderlands of the Banuk tribe challenge all who dare enter to survive the extremes. But now this frozen wilderness harbours a new threat, and for Aloy, a new mystery - one she’s determined to solve.

Content specific issues

This game contains frequent realistic looking violence towards human-like characters. The playable character, Aloy, can be attacked by various fantasy and human characters. Her reactions are always realistic in nature, with her making audible pained sounds and falling to the floor when injured. When she is running low on health she is shown visibly injured as she grasps her side, and moves slower until she can be healed. While blood is not depicted, violent scenes during the cinematics can be quite realistic which contributes directly to the rating.

Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PlayStation 4 - 01/03/2017
  • PC - 07/08/2020

Advice for consumers

This game was rated PEGI 16 for frequent scenes of moderate violence. It is not suitable for persons under 16 years of age.

Brief outline of the game

In a lush, post-apocalyptic world where nature has reclaimed the ruins of a forgotten civilization, pockets of humanity live on in primitive hunter-gatherer tribes. Their dominion over the new wilderness has been usurped by the Machines – fearsome mechanical creatures of unknown origin. Play as Aloy, a young hunter on a quest to discover her destiny among the remnants of the ancient past. Shunned by her own tribe since birth, Aloy has learned to harness her agility, cunning, and deadly aim to hunt the Machines, defend against rival tribes, and survive in the unforgiving wilds.

Content specific issues

Violence consists of Aloy, armed with bow and spear, fighting mechanical dinosaur type characters and humans from enemy tribes. While blood is not depicted, violent scenes during the cinematics can be quite realistic which contributes directly to the rating.

Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PC - 07/08/2020
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • - 06/12/2017