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Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Playstation 3 - 01/09/2015

Advice for consumers

This game was rated PEGI 18 for frequent moderate to strong violence including scenes of torture and some strong language throughout. It is not suitable for persons under 18 years of age.

Brief outline of the game

In the aftermath of the events of Ground Zeroes and the destruction of Militaires Sans Frontièrs (commonly abbreviated as MSF), Snake falls into a coma. Nine years later, he awakes and helps lead a new mercenary group, the Diamond Dogs. Now under the guise of the codename "Venom Snake", he ventures into Afghanistan during the Soviet war to track down the men responsible for MSF's destruction. Along the way, he becomes reacquainted with his former rival Ocelot and encounters a unit of warriors robbed of their past, present and future. While he and Kazuhira ‘Kaz’ Miller are initially driven to exact revenge, Snake soon unearths a plot by the Cipher organization to develop a weapon with the potential to surpass even the Metal Gear system.

Content specific issues

The majority of the violence is typical of the series, with Snake using a variety of weapons and skills in order to execute his enemies. Stronger violence includes multiple civilians and those considered to be vulnerable or defenceless being executed in cold blood, scenes of torture involving the use of jump cables, and a graphic scene of a young woman reopening a wound on her abdomen and plunging her hand into her own viscera. Language includes the word ‘fuck’.

Other issues

There is also a notable scene in which a captured woman, has her hands bound and is submerged in water until she loses consciousness. When she comes to, her trousers have been removed implying that she was about to be sexually assaulted.

Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PC - 19/12/2014

Advice for consumers

Contains some strong violence and some strong language.

Brief outline of the game

It’s 1975 and Snake must infiltrate a base in Cuba in order to extract two important hostages.

Content specific issues

Violence is typical of the series, with Snake using a variety of weapons and skills in order to execute his enemies. There is a very graphic scene involving a bomb implanted into the abdomen of a person that must be surgically removed before it detonates. Language includes the expletive, ‘fuck’.

Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PlayStation 4 - 20/03/2014

Advice for consumers

Contains some strong violence and some strong language.

Brief outline of the game

It’s 1975 and Snake must infiltrate a base in Cuba in order to extract two important hostages.

Content specific issues

Violence is typical of the series, with Snake using a variety of weapons and skills in order to execute his enemies. There is a very graphic scene involving a bomb implanted into the abdomen of a person that must be surgically removed before it detonates. Language includes the expletive, ‘fuck’.

Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Xbox One - 20/03/2014

Advice for consumers

Contains frequent moderate to strong violence and some strong language throughout.

Brief outline of the game

It’s 1975 and Snake must infiltrate a base in Cuba in order to extract two important hostages.

Content specific issues

Violence is typical of the series, with Snake using a variety of weapons and skills in order to execute his enemies. There is a very graphic scene involving a bomb implanted into the abdomen of a person that must be surgically removed before it detonates. Language includes the word ‘fuck’.

Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Playstation 3 - 10/03/2014

Advice for consumers

Contains frequent moderate to strong violence and some strong language throughout.

Brief outline of the game

It’s 1975 and Snake must infiltrate a base in Cuba in order to extract two important hostages.

Content specific issues

Violence is typical of the series, with Snake using a variety of weapons and skills in order to execute his enemies. There is a very graphic scene involving a bomb implanted into the abdomen of a person that must be surgically removed before it detonates. Language includes the word ‘fuck’.

Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • XBox 360 - 11/03/2014

Advice for consumers

Contains frequent moderate to strong violence and some strong language throughout.

Brief outline of the game

It’s 1975 and Snake must infiltrate a base in Cuba in order to extract two important hostages.

Content specific issues

Violence is typical of the series, with Snake using a variety of weapons and skills in order to execute his enemies. There is a very graphic scene involving a bomb implanted into the abdomen of a person that must be surgically removed before it detonates. Language includes the word ‘fuck’.

Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Playstation 3 - 12/09/2013

Advice for consumers

Game contains moderate violence.

Brief outline of the game

Metal Gear Solid Digital Graphic Novel tells the story of the Shadow Moses Incident in which Snake finds himself trying and stopping Liquid getting the rail gun from Metal Gear Rex.

Content specific issues

Game features the use of modern ballistic weaponry which can cause realistic violence.

Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Playstation 3 - 26/09/2013

Advice for consumers

Contains frequent moderate violence.

Brief outline of the game

Hone Solid Snake's skills as you put him through his paces using this VR simulator.

Content specific issues

Violence consists of you shooting enemies and breaking their necks.

Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Playstation 2 - 03/03/2005
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • GameCube - 01/01/1971