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Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • XBox 360 - 15/11/2012

Advice for consumers

Contains occasional use of mild offensive language and sexual posturing

Brief outline of the game

Music video game in which the player is required to follow the on screen dance moves.

Content specific issues

This game comprises 40 different music videos, language such as damn is used in the track Funkdafiled, Lean back, Run it and She wants to move. There is also some sexual posturing / hip thrusting (men and women) in the videos "Virant Thing" and "Sexy and I know it"

Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Nintendo Wii - 14/11/2012

Advice for consumers

Contains occasional use of mild bad language and sexual posturing

Brief outline of the game

Music video game in which the player is required to follow the on screen dance moves.

Content specific issues

This game comprises 30 different music videos, language such as damn is used in the track Funkdafiled, Lean back, Run it and She wants to move. There is also some sexual posturing / hip thrusting (men and women) in the videos "Virant Thing" and "Sexy and I know it"