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Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Xbox One - 31/07/2015
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PlayStation 4 - 30/06/2015

Advice for consumers

The game was rated PEGI 16 for frequent moderate violence. Not appropriate for persons below 16 years of age.

Brief outline of the game

Hack and slash. Play as one of four heroes: Warrior, Wizard, Valkyrie, or Elf and descend into the Gauntlet’s dungeons where you must fight through the chambers, slaying evil creatures and completing challenges.

Content specific issues

Violence in the game is quite bloody with frequent decapitation and dismemberment, however the violence is depicted at a distance with no ability to view any gore in close up detail. Also body parts and dead bodies disappear shortly after hitting the ground which further reduces any realism.

Other issues

The game features online playing capability which may involve real-time interaction with other players.

Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PC - 03/09/2014

Advice for consumers

The game was rated PEGI 16 for some frequent moderate violence. Not appropriate for persons below 16 years of age.

Brief outline of the game

Play as one of four heroes: Warrior, Wizard, Valkyrie, or Elf and descend into the Gauntlet’s dungeons where they must fight through the chambers, slaying evil creatures and completing challenges.

Content specific issues

Violence in the game is quite bloody with frequent decapitation and dismemberment, however the violence is depicted at a distance with no ability to view any gore in close up detail. Also body parts and dead bodies disappear shortly after hitting the ground which further reduces any realism.

Other issues

The game features online playing capability which may involve real-time interaction with other players.

Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Nintendo 3DS - 12/07/2011
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Nintendo Wii - 15/11/2010
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Playstation 3 - 15/11/2010
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • XBox 360 - 16/11/2010
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Nintendo DS - 30/11/2010
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • XBox 360 - 13/05/2008
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • Playstation 3 - 29/06/2007