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Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PC - 14/07/2022

Advice for consumers

This game has received a PEGI 18 which restricts availability to ADULTS ONLY and is not suitable for anyone below this age. This rating has been given because it features violence against vulnerable and defenceless characters and use of strong language.

Brief outline of the game

Extended version of Death Stranding, featuring a new mission and other updates. In the near future, mysterious explosions have rocked the globe, setting off a series of supernatural events known as the Death Stranding. With otherworldly creatures plaguing the landscape and mass extinction imminent, it’s up to Sam Porter Bridges to travel across the ravaged wasteland and save humanity from impending annihilation.

Content specific issues

This game contains infrequent depictions of violence towards vulnerable human-like characters. The most notable example of violence is seen during a cutscene in which a human baby is shot and killed. In the scene, a man holding a baby in his arms is shot. When he turns around and falls to the floor, it is revealed that the baby has also been killed. The baby’s dead body then falls onto the floor as a pool of blood builds up around it. In a later scene the baby’s dead body can be seen with an open bullet wound visible on its torso. It is also possible to attack and kill non-adversaries that pose no threat. The game also contains frequent use of strong language ('fuck').

Other issues

This game also includes sequences of suicide, including when characters choose to end their own lives rather than be killed by enemies. These sequences are graphic and feature sight of blood and realistic reactions. There is also a scene of euthanasia in which a character ends the life of a person who is on life-support, and said to be brain dead, by placing a pillow over their face.

Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PlayStation 5 - 24/09/2021

Advice for consumers

This game has received a PEGI 18 which restricts availability to ADULTS ONLY and is not suitable for anyone below this age. This rating has been given because it features violence against vulnerable and defenceless characters and use of strong language. Not suitable for persons under 18 years of age.

Brief outline of the game

Extended version of Death Stranding, featuring a new mission. In the near future, mysterious explosions have rocked the globe, setting off a series of supernatural events known as the Death Stranding. With otherworldly creatures plaguing the landscape and mass extinction imminent, it’s up to Sam Porter Bridges to travel across the ravaged wasteland and save humanity from impending annihilation.

Content specific issues

This game contains infrequent depictions of violence towards vulnerable human-like characters. The most notable example of violence is seen during a cutscene in which a human baby is shot and killed. In the scene, a man holding a baby in his arms is shot. When he turns around and falls to the floor, it is revealed that the baby has also been killed. The baby’s dead body then falls onto the floor as a pool of blood builds up around it. In a later scene the baby’s dead body can be seen with an open bullet wound visible on its torso. It is also possible to attack and kill non-adversaries that pose no threat. The game also contains frequent use of strong language ('fuck').

Other issues

This game also includes sequences of suicide, including when characters choose to end their own lives rather than be killed by enemies. These sequences are graphic and feature sight of blood and realistic reactions. There is also a scene of euthanasia in which a character ends the life of a person who is on life-support, and said to be brain dead, by placing a pillow over their face.

Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PC - 31/08/2020

Advice for consumers

This game is rated PEGI 18 which restricts availability to ADULTS ONLY and is not suitable for anyone below this age. This rating has been given due to depictions of violence towards vulnerable human-like characters, and use of sexual expletives. Not suitable for persons under 18 years of age.

Brief outline of the game

In the near future, mysterious explosions have rocked the globe, setting off a series of supernatural events known as the Death Stranding. With otherworldly creatures plaguing the landscape, and mass extinction imminent, it’s up to Sam Porter Bridges to travel across the ravaged wasteland and save humanity from impending annihilation.

Content specific issues

This game contains infrequent depictions of violence towards vulnerable human-like characters. The most notable example of violence is seen during a cutscene in which a human baby is shot and killed. In the scene, a man holding a baby in his arms is shot. When he turns around and falls to the floor, it is revealed that the baby has also been killed. The baby’s dead body then falls onto the floor as a pool of blood builds up around it. In a later scene the baby’s dead body can be seen with an open bullet wound visible on its torso. It is also possible to attack and kill non-adversaries that pose no threat. The game also contains frequent use of strong language ('fuck').

Other issues

This game also includes sequences of suicide, including when characters choose to end their own lives rather than be killed by enemies. These sequences are graphic and feature sight of blood and realistic reactions. There is also a scene of euthanasia in which a character ends the life of a person who is on life-support, and said to be brain dead, by placing a pillow over their face.

Bad Language
Release Dates & Platforms:
  • PlayStation 4 - 08/11/2019

Advice for consumers

This game is rated PEGI 18 which restricts availability to ADULTS ONLY and is not suitable for anyone below this age. This rating has been given due to depictions of violence towards vulnerable human-like characters, and use of sexual expletives. Not suitable for persons under 18 years of age.

Brief outline of the game

In the near future, mysterious explosions have rocked the globe, setting off a series of supernatural events known as the Death Stranding. With otherworldly creatures plaguing the landscape, and mass extinction imminent, it’s up to Sam Porter Bridges to travel across the ravaged wasteland and save humanity from impending annihilation.

Content specific issues

This game contains infrequent depictions of violence towards vulnerable human-like characters. The most pertinent example of violence can be seen during a cutscene in which a human baby is shot and killed. In the scene, a man holding a baby in his arms is shot. When he turns around and falls to the floor it is revealed that the baby has also been killed. The baby’s dead body then falls onto the floor as a pool of blood builds up around it. In a later scene the baby’s dead body can be found with an open bullet wound visible on its torso. This game also contains frequent use of sexual expletives. The word “fuck” and its derivatives can be found throughout the game.

Other issues

This game also includes sequences of suicide, including when characters choose to end their own lives rather than be killed by enemies. These sequences are graphic and feature sight of blood and realistic reactions. There is also a scene of euthanasia in which a character ends the life of a person who is on life-support, and said to be brain dead, by placing a pillow over their face.